HCV Tasks
We carry out a variety of tasks primarily on Hamble Common but occasionally other tasks arise. Most tasks are set for us by Eastleigh Borough Council but the monthly beach cleans, the bird box siting and the anti-aircraft gun maintenance are organised by ourselves.
Whereas beach cleans take place all the year round other tasks are seasonal, we only carry out scrub clearance in the autumn and winter because we have to avoid disturbing the birds during their breeding season.
A core of the volunteers live locally and are retired so can take part on a regular basis. However, we fully appreciate that those with work or other commitments can only attend infrequently. There are occasions when the task in hand is beyond the capability of the regulars and we welcome the invaluable assistance that local companies give to us by releasing their staff as part of the their Corporate Responsibility schemes.
Details of our main tasks are set out in the attached pages.